Join AURA for its first ever Innovation of the Year final. You'll hear from the entries who have made it to the shortlist of a highly competitive field to battle it out for this coveted crown.
We're delighted to be partnering with Big Sofa Technologies in the creation of this very special AURA Award

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The Finalists: Need Driver Mapping Methodology (without the survey)
NeedDriver Mapping is needs-based segmentation without the survey. It’s a new segmentation methodology based on machine learning and online sources that’s quicker, lower cost and more future focussed compared to survey based approaches.
Flex MR Insight as Art
Aligning and Engaging Stakeholders with Creative Explorations, the FlexMR Insight as Art Programme engages research teams in a structured consultation process that revolves around the abstract presentation of complex qual providing the building blocks for more empathetic, customer-centric and productive conversations.
Flood & Partners: Honesty Box
Honesty Box is a new approach to asking questions which takes head on the failings of traditional platforms. Designed by researchers for researchers, it makes the survey experience engaging, rewarding and fun.
Kadence International: Using augmented reality to drive innovation in pack and concept testing
An innovation which harnesses augmented reality in the pack and concept testing process so respondents can interact with digital 3D models at-home. The result? Rich, detailed feedback to fuel the innovation and design process without the need for a physical prototype or bringing respondents together centrally.
Lumen: LAMP - Understanding the true cost and value of attention
Lumen have long known that visual attention to advertising is finite, rare, but also valuable. The question is:what can we do about it? By launching LAMP (the Lumen Attention Measurement Platform) we have created a valuable and scalable tool that allows clients to take action on attention insight instantly
Trinity McQueen: A revolutionary approach to concept testing (or Why Kahneman is right!)
Prediction Markets allow people to ‘trade’ on ideas. Effectively ‘betting’ on which ideas or concepts or strategies they think will be most successful.
They combine a wisdom of the crowd approach with a fully functioning market mechanism to harness the crowd instincts.