Join us online for an exploration of AI in practice with AQR and AURA members

From Coexistence to Collaboration, with Asahi Group and Syren Insights

A research study where AI and human efforts are combined, demonstrating how collaboration between the two can produce superior outcomes than either alone.

Emese Pintér Insight Specialist, Asahi Group

Emma Laney Smith, Director, Syren Insights

How AI enabled a ‘second pressing’ of insight, with Feeling Mutual

A case study which shows how Feeling Mutual helped PureGym get more return on their ‘creative development’ research investment, through generative AI assisted analysis.

Tom Woodnutt, Founder, Feeling Mutual

Understanding the First Time Buyer Journey, with Principality Building Society

How the research team partnered with Verve to develop a 6 month programme of research designed to build an intuitive understanding of the First Time Buyer audience.  The goal was to build a rich picture of the FTB journey, over time and through multiple lenses, helping foster empathy for their challenge and break down the depiction of them as a homogenous group.  Working closely with a cross-functional group of stakeholders to help drive the insight through the business, the project has culminated in the development of an AI tool that facilitates direct ‘interaction’ with the 5 different FTB personas.

Lucy Tarrant, Principality Building Society

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Agenda for AQR AI in Practice
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