When you're ready to nominate, you'll find all the forms here
Insight Impact Award
AURA's premier clientside award, the Insight Impact award goes to the best case study from a client that demonstrates the impact of the research on their organisation. This could include, but isn’t limited to, commercial impact. Entries which demonstrate progress in stakeholder influence, team rapport or efficiency, breaking new grounds, the creative use of insight etc. are all equally welcome
You can read some of the award winning submissions here
ROI Award
This award recognises a research project or initiative by a research team and/or their agency which demonstrated a significant commercial return on its initial investment (£15,000 or more). This commercial acumen award will not require detailed financials and may be suitable for members unable to submit more detailed case studies for the Insight Impact Award. As with Insight Impact, agencies are eligible to to enter for this award with a client
ROI Award Smaller budget (under £15k)
This award recognises a research project or initiative by a research team and/or their agency which demonstrated a significant commercial return from its initial investment (£15,000 or less). This commercial acumen award will not require detailed financials and may be suitable for members unable to submit more detailed case studies for the Insight Impact Award. As with Insight Impact, agencies are eligible to to enter for this award with a client
Best Clientside Team
This award recognises the quality and skills AURA members have within their own organisations and reflects on the quality delivered in a single, far-reaching piece or ongoing delivery of quality insight.
This is a wide-ranging award and nominations could be based on areas such as earning influence amongst stakeholders; team building and personal development; going above and beyond on a particular project, or a longer term reflection of a body of work that has been built up over time; delivering insight faster, better, cheaper insights etc.
Best New Insight Talent
This award recognises the best new talent in the research and insight industry. Nominees must have worked in clientside research for no more than 5 years. The winner of this award will be someone who has shown extraordinary passion and aptitude for what they do, as well as ability and impact way beyond their experience.
Individual Impact - Clientside
An award celebrating someone in your team who has gone above and beyond in the past year. Their efforts may relate to a single project or event or be in recognition of their amazing contribution over time. The winner of this award could be at any level within your research and insight organisation
Individual Impact - Agency
Nominations are for those individuals on the agency side who have made a huge difference in the last year to the nominator personally, the team, and/or the organisation. It is an individual who has stepped up and delivered exceptionally well. They can be at any level within a research organisation.
Agency of the Year
It's the big one! Agency of the Year is given to the most outstanding nominee across our three agency awards, which are:
Trusted Partner
Strong relationships are at the heart of our business. This award is for an agency who has achieved true Trusted Partner status: people who who understand your business’s agenda and go beyond the call of duty to help you deliver it.
Putting the output of any research project in front of an internal audience can be a make or break moment. This award celebrates presentations that create ‘wow’ moments: agency communications that clients are proud to put in front of their stakeholders
Best Small Agency
Because size is important, this AURA celebrates the best small agencies AURA members have been working with. It's open to all agencies with either fewer than 25 members of staff and/or a turnover of under £1million turnover
Most Inspiring Agency Speaker
Throughout the year, AURA welcomes agency speakers to share their work with members at our seminars and webinars. This AURA goes to the speaker who achieves the highest feedback score from AURA members
Breakthrough Agency of the Year
This award will be given to an agency who presented for the first time (or first time in 2+ years) at an AURA event over the previous 12 months and who received the highest feedback score from amongst our members
Most Inspiring Client Speaker In Person
Throughout the year, AURA welcomes clientside speakers to share their work with their peers at AURA in-person events. This AURA goes to the presentation which gets the highest feedback score from AURA members
Most Inspiring Client Speaker Online
Throughout the year, AURA welcomes clientside speakers to share their work with their peers at AURA online webinars. This AURA goes to the presentation which gets the highest feedback score from AURA members
Here at AURA we think about innovation as anything that helps deliver better insights or deliver insights better. That's the brief. This award goes to the clientside team or agency which wowed us with the practical benefits of their new approach and their ingenuity