
Category: Qualitative research
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Boxclever: Unlocking Loyalty Schemes

Hints and tips for developing loyalty schemes, featuring MoneySupermarket and Domino's
22 May 2024
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Reinventing Ollie

Hush Research, winner of AQR Qualitative Research award 2023
17 Jan 2024
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Researching the Robot - a New Era for Market Research

d.ifferentology and The 7 Stars, MRS Award Winner
17 Jan 2024
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Value in a cost of living crisis

Sky, winners of AURA Award for ROI (larger budget) 2023
17 Jan 2024
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How to drive a fan's viewing experience via an interdisciplinary methodology

Formula E entry for 2023 Insight Impact Award
28 Jun 2023
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The Cultural Significance of White Teeth [playback]

IPSOS for Haleon (formerly GSK)
8 Feb 2023
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Dual Control - Shifting the Waitrose Convenience Strategic Outlook

Waitrose and See Research, AURA/AQR Qualitative Showcase November 2022
23 Nov 2022
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Getting Emotional about Electric Vehicles

BoxClever and LeasePlan, AURA/AQR Qualitative Showcase November 2022
23 Nov 2022
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Lot 42: A Refreshing Case for Semiotics

23 Nov 2022
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How the Isle of Raasay Distillers Changed Category Convention to launch a Scotch Whisky

AQR Qualitative Excellence Award, Isle of Raasay Distillery and Boxclever
20 Jan 2022
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Qualitative Semiotics: Can We Research Consumer Meaning Making?

Chris Harnham, Nov 21 Deck and playback available
10 Nov 2021
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Activating Curiosity at Twinings

Customer Closeness Company
30 Sep 2021
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Beyond 2020: An update on The Hundred

Craft & ECB
30 Sep 2021
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COVID and culture: Our Shifting World and What it Means for Brands

Magnetic Collective
30 Sep 2021
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Talking Tax: How to win support for taxing wealth

Survation / Tax Justice
30 Sep 2021
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Person First: A new approach to qualitative research

Qual Street
18 Aug 2021
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Insight As Art

Flex MR AURA Innovation of the Year Finalist 2021
30 Jun 2021
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Cooking up some inspiration for Lurpak

Folk Research
19 May 2021
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Insight As Art

FlexMR with British Gas
19 May 2021
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Opposites Attract: Why Ethnography and Predictive Modelling are a Surprisingly Happy Couple

How Macmillan Cancer Support used a combination of methodologies to inform its fundraising and services strategy
9 Mar 2021
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Qual MR

Integrating qual with AI
26 Nov 2020
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Lessons From the Frontline: Research Narratives of Islamist Terrorism

Konrad Callao, Craft Human Intelligence New Perspectives on Diversity event
28 Oct 2020
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Recovery Coordination Group Citizens Panel

Britain Thinks & West Midlands Combined Authority. Research to st out the priorities and principles which should guide the recovery in the region
22 Sep 2020
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Understanding the Financial Impact of the Pandemic on UK Households

Blue Marble. Vivid stories and case studies reflecting on both the transient and permanent consumer needs arising from this crisis
22 Sep 2020
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Brands in a time of crisis

What Moral Foundations Theory can teach us about how brands are judged in today’s climate. Jigsaw Research, AURA/AQR September 2020 seminar
21 Sep 2020
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Big Job, Little Time: Evolving the Brand Positioning for a leading soft drink

See Research, July 2020 seminar
9 Jul 2020
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#Unfiltered and the FIFA Women's World Cup 2019 (GenZ)

BBC Sport and Razor Research
29 Apr 2020
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Welcome to the Qual Side of Social Data

How British Red Cross Learned to Talk to People About Loneliness British Red Cross and Listen & Learn
29 Apr 2020
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Bells and Whistles

Qual Street and Bells & Whistles Bakery MRS/ ICG Award for Independents 2019
21 Jan 2020
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Building Behavioural Science capabilities for Barclays comms development

Barclays & The Behavioural Architects
26 Sep 2019
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How moving from data fission to data fusion is helping Matalan flourish while others flounder

Matalan and Join the Dots/Insites Consulting
26 Sep 2019
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Is good enough really good enough?

Acacia Avenue
26 Sep 2019
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That Counts! Encouraging physical activity in Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester Moving & Britain Thinks
26 Sep 2019
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Co-designing the future of debt advice – flexing the qualitative muscle

2CV and The Money & Pensions Service
19 Sep 2019
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From Sparkplugs to Singalongs

The AA and Acacia Avenue
19 Jan 2019
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Ghosts on the line: researching suicide on the railway

Network Rail, Samaritans, Robin Pharaoh, Encounter Consulting, Future Agenda
19 Jan 2019
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(Wo)man vs machine: from competition to collaboration

SKIM, Danone
19 Jan 2019
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Research creatives love

BAMM BT May 2018 seminar
1 May 2018
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Assessing vfm in workplace pensions

Zurich & ORC January 2018 seminar
1 Jan 2018
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Bullshit bingo demystifying ‘cool’ to create tangible results

Mars Petfood & IPSOS MORI
1 Jan 2018
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London underground - the engagement zone

Cog Research & Exterion Engagement with OOH digital media January 2018 seminar
1 Jan 2018
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It's Funny Because It's True - Using Laughter to Find New Brand Stories

Firefly, Millward Brown, General Mills
1 Sep 2017
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The Three Faces of Julie

Money Advice Service, Jigsaw Research
1 Sep 2017
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How the LTA used behaviour change to gain the advantage point

Acacia Avenue, LTA, AQR Prosper Riley Smith Award 2017
1 Jan 2017
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Qualitative research training

CSR GIMRA training
23 Jun 2016
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